Présentation de l'OBSERVATOIRE

L’Observatoire se veut un outil mis à la disposition des familles des victimes de crimes perpétrés par les taliban.

Il n’entend pas se substituer à la justice du pays, mais offre une ressource supplémentaire aux victimes dont les plaintes n’auraient pas abouti, ou qui auraient peur de représailles au niveau local. lire la suite

International Taliban crimes observatory

The aim of the Observatory is to be a tool available to the families of victims of crimes committed by the Taliban. 
It does not intend to take the place of the country's legal system but to offer victims whose complaints have been unsuccessful or who are afraid of local reprisals an additional resource. 
Because of its international nature, the Observatory can examine the cases brought to its attention on neutral ground. 
It will be able set up collaborations with local Afghan associations that want support on legal matters. 
If the cases are prepared and made know outside the country it could enable victims to overcome their inability to get them heard by the courts or the unwillingness of the competent local authorities to consider them. 
The Observatory could refer cases to international authorities, especially when they are blocked by the country's legal bodies.   
The Observatory undertakes to follow up each case submitted to it. Several members will take charge of a victim's case and undertake to follow it up administratively and make contact with the lawyers.
The Observatory's impact will be based on its development beyond the borders.

The Observatory is a non-profit making association that relies on volunteers. 

We are urgently seeking the help of anyone competent in legal matters but also people who can trace sources so that they can be the subject of a case to examine and defend. 
We have chosen four languages for communication: Farsi, Pashtu, English and French. Therefore, our members must be able to express themselves in one of those four languages to make exchanges easier. Illiterate people must be able to find a means of expressing themselves via the Observatory so that they can make known their opinions and demands. 
If you are interested in this initiative, whatever your nationality, you can help us to set it up and run it by writing to us and subscribing to the mailing list.